Required Documents
Documents Required to File for Bankruptcy
Bankruptcy Attorney in San Diego, CA
Preparing to file for bankruptcy really isn’t that difficult. Once you gather the documents listed below and complete the Client Questionnaire, you will have done 90% of the work.
Following is a list of documents every client must provide to complete the process:
- ID – Driver’s license and Social Security card.
- Pay stubs for the last six (6) months. All of them for debtor and spouse, even if only one spouse is filing for bankruptcy.
- Documentation for all other sources of income, including commissions, pensions, workers’ comp, unemployment, disability, and any other income received during the last 6 months. This also includes income from spousal or other support, Social Security or other sources (such as someone paying your living expenses or roommates paying rent). Bring documentation such as commission reports, disability or Social Security award letters, cancelled checks, or any other documentation supporting the income.
- If you are self-employed, you will need to provide six (6) months profit and loss statements – one separate statement for each of the six (6) months. You will also need six (6) months of bank statements supporting the profit and losses.
- Income tax returns for last two (2) years – Federal only.
- If you own real estate or your name is on title to any property you will need to provide the following:
- A printout from www.eppraisal.com of the current value of the property
- An appraisal, if appraised recently, or a broker’s price opinion (These options will only be required if the property is potentially worth more than what’s owed on it.)
- Grant deed showing how title to the property is held
- For all motor vehicles in your name:
- Current DMV registration
- Auto insurance declaration page showing the types and amounts of coverage - not a proof of insurance card
- Printout of current value from www.kbb.com (Kelley Blue Book) – Use private party value. For recreational vehicles, motorcycles, trailer and older vehicles, you can obtain values from www.nadaguides.com.
- Vehicle purchase or lease agreement if purchased in last 12 months
- Bank statements for the past three (3) MONTHS for your checking and savings or credit union accounts and most recent statement for all 401K, IRA, or other retirement plans. Please also provide the closing statement from any accounts or C/Ds you have closed in the past year.
- Divorce – Copy of the marital settlement agreement (MSA) or property settlement agreement and the court order thereon.
- Support orders - any child or spousal support orders and the name and address of the person receiving the support.
- Trust documents if you created a trust or are the trustee or beneficiary of a trust.
- Lawsuits – Provide a copy of the summons and the 1st page of any complaint filed against you, or by you, as well as judgments.
Contact a San Diego bankruptcy attorney today to schedule your complimentary evaluation.